Welcome to my website

Hi, I’m Victor, a Berlin-based data scientist at the Think tank Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK) for the projects ERAME & ERAME-Rex, which are funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to develop software solutions that use machine learning, text-as-data and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to identify a) islamic and b) extreme-right radicalization on social media.

Previously, I worked as research associate (and taught courses in both German and English) at both the political science and the sociology departments at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel in Germany (from where I obtained my PhD in 2018) and at some of the largest Think tanks in the US and Europe (Wilson Center, Center for International Policy & Centre for European Policy Studies).

I have both substantial and methodological peer-reviewed publications in State Politics & Policy Quarterly, State and Local Government Review and Nomos Publishing (see section publications or my profile on ResearchGate).

By clicking on the following links, you will find my appearances on TV and a short version of my CV, where you will also find a summary of my language, programming and analytical/methods skills.


If you want to contact me, please use any of the options listed here.